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Showing posts with the label Umbrella Frock

Umbrella Frock for 2 year old baby | Free Umbrella Frock Pattern Drafting Tutorial Step by Step Guide

Umbrella Frock Cutting & Stitching Umbrella cut has a very beautiful look and is very simple for cutting and Stitching. We can have an Umbrella dress of full length (from shoulders to knees) or it could be frock, which would have an upper body with a bottom umbrella flare. Both have great look if sew and stitch with perfect body measurements. Here we are going to make an umbrella frock with half upper body and bottom umbrella flare. Table Of Contents Front & Back Body Drafting & Cutting: For Upper Body Measurements and Cutting you refer to the blog Baby Frock , we are going to use the same measurements as Baby Frock for 2 years old baby.   Cloth Requirement for Umbrella Bottom: So we will take the square fabric measuring 34 x 34 inches Fold the fabric in 4 layers of 17x17 inches as shown Bottom Umbrella flare Measurements: The length of the bottom flare would be 12 inches. Waist = 24 inches 1/4 waist = 6 inches Mark 6 inches on the left top of t...